Love Your Neighbor International Ministries
Evangelizing and Planting Chuches in Thailand Holistically.
Who We Are
We are a church planting ministry in Thailand evangelizing and planting churches through various
means. We are a holistic ministry that seeks to meet the needs of the whole person- body, mind,
and spirit. As Jesus came preaching the gospel of the kingdom by healing and feeding the poor,
we seek to imitate Him by proclamation of the gospel as well as demonstrating the gospel by
praying for the sick, feeding and meeting the practical needs of the poor.
We pursue to love Jesus with all our beings and love our neighbors as ourselves by building a
church community in and through which we can worship God and serve our neighbors.
We believe that establishing a strong self-supporting, self-governing and self-reproducing local
church is the best way to reach the nation of Thailand with the good news of Jesus Christ.
What we do
We evangelize, plant churches, raise leaders, and meet basic needs of the poor. Currently, we have
two churches in two locations. We have Sunday worship, discipleship training and bible studies on
weekly bases as well as reach out to local neighbors bi-weekly by handing out grocery bags to
the needy. Demonstrating God’s love, preaching the gospel and sharing our life in practical ways
are resulting in many Thai Buddhists who’ve never heard the gospel to come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
Our goal is to win souls, make disciples and plant churches as many as possible, as many ways
as possible, whenever possible, in any condition as possible for the extension of God’s kingdom
and the glory of God. In the near future we will send out newly trained servants to plant a new
church in a new location.